Sunday, August 7, 2011


Originally, the next post was going to involve some of this summers fruitful deviations, but I've decided to put that off for now. I'll be sharing that about mid next week, when I have some more finished stuff to share with everyone.

DiCE, DiCE, DiCE, DiCE, DiCE, DiCE, DiCE. At this moment in time, it's been all things DiCE, and it's gonna be like that for a bit, what with the production beginning. Get hype.

Also, I've finally created a Soundcloud account. So far it's just NAVIGATOR and Starkrieg music uploaded, but I may find the time to scavenge my drive to put some other things up, or I may just upload some originals I've made on my own time for kicks. The site is convenient, if nothing else.

Scream Shooter and Shrieks of Santa Arséne: What to say about this… Well, to be honest, there isn't much. The ending is still in conception due to some vital changes in the plot structure. I haven't actually completed the fleshing out step of it yet, so until then I am very hesitant to begin any sort of head way on production (Not to mention it's all about DiCE and PW right now.) There's still artwork for the collection being produced, and I'm actually in the process of securing Voice Actors (I've enlisted some VERY talented people) so I have high hopes for this one. I want to get it right.

PASMO Radio: Sadly, I must sit it down. I'll hopefully be able to pick it back up after the completion of DiCE, but time is of the essence, and as such I'll need to put things off until they become of higher priority. Such is the will of the production process.

Project Wonderland is coming along swimmingly, but with life issues and such it is becoming difficult to find time to work on it. Be patient, you'll see it soon.

And finally, it's coming…

And that's that… you'll get some stuff to look at soon.

Hysterically Yours,

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